Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Bug!

Today was Bug’s 8th birthday!

There’s the part of me who is thrilled he’s getting more capable and independent every year, being one of “those” parents who did a little dance of celebration when the kids learned to buckle themselves into their car seats without my help, learned to take showers without assistance and learned to find their own snacks in our overstuffed pantry on their own. Then, there’s the part of me who never wants him to quit asking me to sing him Otis Redding lullabies, make him homemade waffles or rub his sweet little back when he’s not feeling well. While I don’t miss the days of temper tantrums and diapers, I’m feeling overwhelmed with conversations he initiates about grown-up things, like why the fuzz on his legs (and “other” areas) doesn’t wash off in the bath!

All in all, most days it’s almost impossible for me to comprehend the fact my baby is not really a baby anymore and I wonder if I’ll forever feel that way.


In any case, today was a great day!

It all started with Bug nudging me at 6:30am, asking when he could open his presents. He was talking in such a hushed-whisper-sing-song-voice, it sounded borderline freakish after I'd only had 6 hours of sleep. Those of you who’ve ever lived with me fully understand unless I get 9 hours or more, I’m almost unbearable to deal with, so it took all I could muster up not to turn vicious really quickly. But, it was his BIRTHday! So, I kept my grump to myself.

As I desperately tried to pry my eyes open, I silently wished we’d let him open them when he’d asked at 12:01 last night, after he stayed up until midnight so he could “be awake when his birthday started”. It’s not like I sleep in often, but the morning before he'd gotten me up at 7:30 to jump on the trampoline with him. Of course, I complied since it was his early birthday present and because it really IS very fun. EVEN in your nightgown. EVEN when you accidentally pee a little during the first jump because you're still half-asleep and zombie walked outside, forgetting to hit the potty after waking up.

Needless to say, after two early morning wake-ups, I was feeling a little as if I were trapped in an odd suburban mother version of the Groundhog Day movie, starring a strange little whispering kid who wakes me up every morning in a freaky sing-song-hushed-voice at the break of dawn, asking me to “play”. Ugh.

For a few moments I tried to “play dead”, like I was too asleep to even hear his pleas. But, then he whisper-asked me if our giant-60-pound-blind-in-one-eye-Wiener dog, Zoe was still alive. He’d prayed the night before that God wouldn’t let her die on his birthday, after convincing himself she was on her last leg in life. The truth is, she’s basically a million years old and Bug is notorious for sensing death, ghosts and other things I’m not 100% sure I believe in but am too much of a chicken to ignore. So, when he asked whether she was breathing, I immediately jumped out of bed, ran to her side...and...found her completely healthy, wagging her tail and likely laughing at me for being such an idiot.

The funny thing is, I’m pretty sure Zoe is going to live at least a few more years but we all have this disturbing obsession with chronically checking to see if she’s among the living. I thought we were strange to behave in this way, but the last time Bug’s friend stayed all night with us, even he questioned over and over again if she was alive. I think he too was waiting for her to kick over dead at any moment. She does have a habit of laying REALLY, REALLY still, with her eyes open, looking about half-dead. Of course, you’d think after ten years we wouldn’t fall for her “dead act” any longer. But, Nope. We fall for it. Every. Single. Time.


Even though I did jump out of bed earlier than should be legal on a weekend morning, I did manage to distract Bug from present-opening and entertain him with more pajama trampoline jumping and homemade chocolate chip waffles for a few hours until Hubbit woke up. Why? Because I am an AWESOME wife who lets her husband sleep in as often as possible. THAT’S why! ;)

(Side note: I should probably confess, it is a only a tiny act of gratitude for a man who puts up with my endless batch of crazy and BELIEVE ME…I am capable of some intense ridiculousness.)

After presents were opened, Bug wanted to play his new Diary of a Wimpy Kid board game. (If you haven’t seen the movie or read the books…do it. NOW.) At certain points in the game, players are required to write down their answers to questions on scrap paper and then guess what other players have written.

The first question was for me and Bug. Hubbit had to guess what we’d written.

It read: What annoys you the most?

I wrote: Dirt.
Bug wrote: Abooba (Inside family joke, not important to this story.)

Hubbit guessed incorrectly.

Quite a few questions later, it was time for me and Bug to answer another question on scrap paper. Since I wanted to conserve paper, Bug and I simply used the other side of the same paper we’d previously written on for the first question. However, Bug ended up with mine (with the word “Dirt” on one side) and I ended up with his (with the word “Abooba” on one side).

The question read: What is your favorite type of candy bar?

Now, here’s where things got tricky. While Bug did indeed turn 8 today and is a very mature and lovely boy, he still gets a little bratty when he doesn’t win a game the first time we play it. In fact, if we don’t let him win the first time we play, he likely won’t ever play again. Since this was a brand new game and it WAS his birthday, Hubbit and I were willing to do whatever it took to let him take home the victory.

That being said, we were at the point in the game where if I guessed Bug’s response to the question correctly, we would both get to move ahead three spaces…which would put Bug at the Finish Line and give him the big W-I-N. Hubbit and I were both aware and without speaking knew what had to happen.

To pull it off successfully, Hubbit had to peek at Bug’s answer to the question and mouth the words to me, allowing me to correctly guess what he wrote and allowing him to win!

I looked at Hubbit, gave him the “nod” and repeated the question:

What is your favorite type of candy bar?

He peeked at Bug’s paper slyly and mouthed something to me that was simply untranslatable. I was unsure of what he’d mouthed, but I was certain it was in no way the name of a candy bar. So, I quickly gave him the silent facial expression of “HUH?!” and focused clearly on his mouth movements the second time, putting forth my absolute best effort to understand what this man was trying to communicate to me.

After a few seconds of utter confusion, I suddenly realized Bug had used my previous scrap paper, Hubbit had looked at the wrong side of it and as a result, Hubbit was CONFIDENTLY mouthing the word “Dirt” instead of Bug's answer of his favorite candy bar.

Oh. Em. Gee.

Sadly, I could not recover from this TOTAL FAILURE of tag-team game scamming and was not able to guess correctly because well...for some ca-ray-zee reason...I knew and understood there is no candy bar on the face of the EARTH named “Dirt”. Apparently, I am the only ad-ult in this house that possesses that small piece of knowledge.

Ironically, Bug answered his next question correctly and won the game honestly.

Meanwhile, I learned…

1) There are many times as a parent you feel you must protect your children from disappointment. However, whether you succeed or not, things will turn out just fine.

And, most importantly…

2) Hubbit is a TERRIBLE board-game-cheater. Geez.


“No matter how calmly you try to referee, parenting will eventually produce bizarre behavior, and I'm not talking about the kids.” (Bill Cosby)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Death By Chocolate...

Yesterday was my birthday!! Woo hoo!! I turned 29!! (Just not yesterday…more like two years ago.)

Many of you know, I am allergic to life. I honestly eat only about 10-15 different types of food…TOTAL. They are milk, chicken, eggs, beef, pork, peaches, celery, lettuce, bell peppers, organic cheese and the occasional sweet potato.

That’s it.

It may sound pretty drastic, but it keeps me from going into anaphylactic shock and keeps me free from the hives-stomach pains-dizziness and other nonsense food allergies can bring on, so I never deter from my eating plan…EVER. Day in and day out, I proudly display the willpower of a superhero when it comes to my dietary restrictions. Except for on my birthday.

Every year for my birthday my parents make me this amazing flourless chocolate cake using organic chocolate I would seriously think about selling my soul for.


Sure, I’m allergic to chocolate but I only indulge in it once a year. Since I’m not incredibly allergic, usually I only have a few side effects…IF and ONLY IF…I stick to the rules.

Whitney’s Rules Of Eating Chocolate

1) Only eat it once a year.
2) Limit consumption to one small amount when you do partake ONCE a year.
3) Never, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, eat it twice in one day.

(Side note: Those with food allergies usually know if you’re prone to food allergies, you should never eat the same food twice in one day. Otherwise, your body can react to foods it normally wouldn’t react to. So, on a normal day I have to limit myself to eating eggs once, eating chicken once…you get the point. I once ignored this rule and had soup beans both for lunch and dinner one day. What happened? Oh…I had one of the worst food reactions I’ve EVER had, was scared out of my mind, was borderline going into genuine shock, and now I can’t ever eat beans again. Needless to say, I learned my lesson…sort of.)

Anyhow, last night I satisfied my once-a-year-chocolate-cravings with the special birthday cake my mother brought over. It was everything.


I was a good girl. I had a small piece and then didn’t return for more. I followed the rules.

But, when I woke up this morning, things had changed. Overnight, my superhero willpower somehow vanished and the first thing I did when I woke up was rush to the kitchen to eat more chocolate cake…with MY FINGERS. Really?! Who does that? This girl does, apparently. By the time I came to my senses, I looked down and realized I'd eaten HALF of the cake!

Oh. My. Land.

I immediately felt guilty and told Hubbit what I’d done, in which he responded with a roaring laugh. I’m glad he thinks my serious chocolate-cake-binging-problem is SO FLIPPIN’ FUNNY.

To be fair, Hubbit usually doesn’t get involved when it comes to my chocolate addiction. I mean seriously, he’s a very smart man who realizes one should never come in between a woman and her chocolate. But, the truth is I’m not sure he is just wise to women after being married to one of the most challenging women on the face of this earth (I wear the badge proudly) OR he is secretly hoping I’ll have a horrendous reaction and he’ll FINALLY get to administer the EPI-Pen to me. He was THRILLED when I was prescribed one, making joke after joke about how AWESOME it would be to stab me in the leg with it. He’s sadistic like that. I blame it on his job. (I’m joking firemen…JOKING.)

The last time I went on a chocolate binge, it lasted a week. It was three years ago and I’d gorged myself all week, day and night on organic chocolate chips, eating bag after bag like a total freak. While I didn’t end up having an anaphylactic reaction requiring Hubbit to administer my EPI-Pen, it did land me in the cardiologist’s office with an IRREGULAR heartbeat that wouldn’t subside for a week even after I quit ingesting my tasty enemy.

Seriously, my body hates most food and especially loathes caffeine. A normal person could drink five cups of coffee one day and maybe end up with something as minor as being unable to sleep that evening. But, if I did the same, chances are I’d be in the flippin’ hospital with a heart that just couldn’t get itself together.

After showering off my shame and dressing in mostly black to hide the "food baby" I was sporting in the lower tummy area, I attempted to throw out the rest of the cake. However, Bug and Flea both pleaded with me to save it a little while longer, so they too could have a piece after lunch. I agreed, reluctantly, and decided we should leave the house for a bit to get my mind (and my grubby fingers) far away from my own personal chocolate-laced-CrackRock. So, we spent the morning shopping at the local flea market and sporting goods store.

Sadly, the distraction of the flea market and sporting goods store failed. Completely. As soon as I got home from our shopping trip, the cake starting calling (more like SHOUTING) my name. Bug saw my strength failing me as I walked slowly toward the cake and even tried to talk me down, asking me if chocolate cake was really worth:

1) getting fat
2) dying

I told him, it most certainly WAS. However, after shoving another two heaping forkfuls into my mouth, I realized something drastic had to be done.
The cake HAD TO GO and with that realization, I threw it into garbage can.

One would think throwing the cake away, into the disgusting garbage, would be enough to deter a germ-a-phobe from thinking about eating it.

But, Noooooooo.

My urges were just too strong. Only five minutes after tossing it out, I honestly thought about digging it OUT OF THE GARBAGE and eating it. Seriously, I was acting like a total crack addict jonesin’ to get that last bit of rock. It was ridiculous!

So, I did what any hanging-onto-the-recovery-wagon-with-the-tips-of-her-nails-only-addict had to do.

I went over to the garbage, looked down upon the ever-so-delicious-and-potentially-life-threatening treat and…

Sprayed it with Windex.

Problem solved.


“I would give up chocolate, but I’m not quitter.” (Author Unknown)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oh, Bennie.

Location: Garden Ridge’s incredibly long and irritating check-out lane where we started off being 10th in a line with only one cashier open and where people were getting very frustrated. Well, mostly just Hubbit.

The valiant 20-something-vertically-challenged-likely-Puerto-Rican-cashier, Bennie, dances onto the scene, hoping to save the sanity of the sole cashier chick who is scanning far too slowly to satisfy anyone. Well, mostly just Hubbit.

Bennie the Cashier: I can take the next person down here.
Hubbit: THANK God. (huffs and puffs as he pulls our cart up to Bennie’s counter
Bennie the Cashier: Oh, wait. I’ll be just a minute.

Bennie leaves the counter to straighten up some nearby merchandise that apparently just couldn’t wait to be rearranged. The entire time, Hubbit is looking from the slow cashier’s lane to Bennie, realizing if he’d not been “the next customer” Bennie had called for, he would have already been finished paying and out the door. However, due to his amazing maturity and class (happy meds…cough, cough) he waits as patiently as he’s capable of waiting patiently, which is not really all that patiently, to be quite honest.

About three-customers-through-the-slow-chick’s-land-later, Bennie finishes arranging the merchandise and dashes back to the register, with a smile.

Bennie the Cashier: Ok, I’m back!
Hubbit: awesome. (spoken with enthusiasm deserving only a lowercase "a")
Bennie the Cashier: Oh, wait! I have to change the register receipt paper. Hold on. (starts pushing things around under the register, to get the needed paper)
Hubbit: Are you flippin’ kidding me?! (looks at me, looks at the other slow cashier chick’s line flowing smoothly, looks at Bennie, still trying to stay patient)
Bennie the Cashier: All done! Here we go!
Hubbit: Great. (sighs...exhausted from the incredible effort it takes a man of his level of impatience to stay calm in a ridiculous situation such as this)

Hubbit is emotionally defeated from staying calm and collected during Bennie's shenanigans, wondering silently if he's the subject of the new and improved Candid Camera show I'm always talking about trying to make a homemade version of. (Side note: Surely, I'm not the ONLY person in the world who makes mental lists of situations which would make EPIC new episodes for its reprise on television, right?!)

The items are rang up and paid for, Hubbit has one foot turned toward the door to leave and Bennie the Cashier is handing Hubbit’s debit card back to him…

Bennie the Cashier: What are you? ‘Bout 305?
Hubbit: (realizes Bennie has just made an attempt to guess his weight and remains visibly unfazed after the entirely unusual exchange has led him to think ANYTHING can happen at Garden Ridge at this point) Um, something like that.

Good Lord, Bennie.

Leaving the store…

Me: (laughing hysterically) Who does that?!
Hubbit: I think he was a little "unique", honey.
Me: But, I mean…he was pretty darn accurate. How do people learn to do that?!
Hubbit: I don’t know. Maybe he is training to be one of those carnival guys who guess your weight. I can see him with a mic in his hand saying, Come on down!
Me: Yeah, I don’t get it. You pay those guys $5 to make you feel fat or old. And, they’re NEVER wrong. Nope. Because if they are, they have to surrender one of those horrible-hard-and-never-IT’S SO FLUFFY-stuffed-animals AND Heaven knows if they give away too many of those, they’re on their way out the Carnie door…
Hubbit: …and apparently working at Garden Ridge.


The big bonus of the experience was that Bug was shopping with us and went around for the rest of the day trying to guess MY weight, saying:

What are you, Mom? ‘Bout 130?



"Carnies built this country, the carnival part of it anyway." (Homer Simpson)