Monday, May 2, 2011

Life Lesson #421: Never Take A Pee Break While Cooking

I have always believed in soul mates and still to this day feel like God brought Hubbit and I together in the most intentional-to-Him but random-to-us way. I could not ask for a better husband. Seriously, he’s as good as they get. After all, being married to me can challenge even the greatest man, as I tend to Samba on his last nerve at least a few times a week.

Of course, don’t get me wrong. Before I have another Single-White-Female movie scene on my hands, I want to be clear. Our life is not perfect. You may THINK I’m joking about the SWF thing, but last August I learned two important lessons in life:

1) I'm not the only chica who thinks Hubbit is a great catch.
2) There are people out there floating around this world who are crazier than me. Imagine that.

Anyhow, before anyone starts gagging, you should know that we do fight…”sometimes”. And, for those of you who know me well, if it’s only “sometimes”, then he truly is my perfect match! ;)

In any case, over the years I’ve managed to figure out many reasons God brought me Hubbit. But, the one that stands out consistently is the fact I have a really bad habit of accidentally-almost setting things on fire.

Me: Accidental Firebug
Hubbit: Valiant Fireman


In our first five years together, our near-catastrophes involving fire were basically limited to exploding jar candles I’d forgotten I’d lit hours and hours before or metal-in-the-microwave-fires (Who would think the old Little Caesar’s breadstick paper was actually metal?! I would have sworn it was just cheap silver paper…giggle). As life progressed and I started graduating from the idea that a $5 discount pizza couldn’t really be considered a home cooked meal, things got a little trickier.


I started cooking!

Thankfully, Hubbit is forever on guard with a towel to fan the smoke detector, a lid to squash a stove fire or a fire extinguisher when things go haywire. Due to his diligence, we’ve never had a terrible tragedy, even though for some unknown and unintentional reason, I am bound and determined to set SOMETHING on fire.

In fact, he never even gets angry at me for nearly killing us all and destroying our property. Even when he was forced to repaint the ceiling due to flames reaching up to it after a candle mishap, he never made one disgruntled comment.


I almost set the hotel in NYC on fire…the SECOND time. Apparently, being woken up to a smoke filled hotel suite, by a far-louder-than-it-should-have-been-in-my-pyromaniac-opinion smoke detector, wasn’t his idea of a relaxing vacation.

The first morning, in true fireman style, he SILENTLY jumped out of a bed at record speed, opened the windows and started fanning the smoke detector until it stopped chirping.

But, apparently going through the EXACT same thing the NEXT morning was enough to aggravate him and not only did he repeat the previous day’s actions like he was living in some insane Groundhog’s Day movie plot, but he also had a few choice words for me.

Who knew? :)

In any case, I learned a few very important lessons…

1)Even though the bathroom might be less than three feet away from the stove, it’s not a good idea to leave sausage cooking on high heat, unattended, while you take a quick “pee break”.


2) If you wake your fireman Hubbit up two mornings in a row to a smoke alarm, while he’s on vacation away from the firehouse, the smoke detector won’t be the only annoying sound you’ll be forced to listen to.


How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. ~Oscar Wilde

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