Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Yep. We're "That" Family.

I love baseball.

Seriously, LOVE it. Doesn’t really matter who’s playing or if it’s major, minor or flippin’ t-ballers getting their ball-on, when Spring comes baseball is my “thang”.

So, I’m never one to complain when our kids’ baseball games aren’t called off for the possibility of rain and am all for getting the game in, if there’s anyway in the world it can be accomplished before the clouds burst open and Mother Nature shows her fury.

In fact, I think I might be more disappointed than the kids when their games get rained out!

But, last night was one of those nights the game should have been called off…BEFORE the torrential downpour began.

Here they were in the top of the 4th inning and like we’d all expected after it had gotten almost too dark to even see the ball five minutes prior, it started raining like Cahhhraaazzyyy!

Being great under pressure like he always is (giggle), Hubbit instructed Bug and I to start running for the van. Like good little soldiers, we did as we were told, only to get up the hill to the van and realize I had no keys to unlock the vehicle! So, we were forced to wait outside in the pouring rain for Hubbit and Flea, who FINALLY made their way to us with the keys, about FIVE minutes later.

As they came up the hill and noticed we were not safe and dry in the van as they’d expected, Hubbit yelled to me, “Where are your keys, you Moron?!”, just as Flea’s teammate’s grandmother rolled down her window to say goodbye.

Nice job looking like Husband of the Year, Hubbit.

Of course, since he had packed everything up and was carrying our chairs, a bat bag and most importantly…THE KEYS…I let his rudeness slide. For the moment. After all, Bug and I had run off with the only umbrella, totally abandoning him at the bottom of the hill with two arm loads of our crap.

After asking what took them so long to come to let us in the van, Hubbit started explaining:

Hubbit: Well, I was standing behind the dugout, getting DRENCHED, waiting on Flea to get his stuff together and run out. After waiting for about three minutes, I peeked around into the dugout to see what was taking him so long and caught him casually chatting with his teammates. He wasn’t even kind-of getting his stuff together. He was just STANDING THERE, twirling his batting gloves around like he had absolutely nowhere to be! Meanwhile, I was outside getting WET!

Me: So, what did you do?

Hubbit: I screamed like a banshee, “FLEA, get out here…NOW”. His teammates and coaches probably think I’m horrible.

Me: Nice.

Hubbit: Come to think of it, not only do the coaches likely think I’m horrible but it’s VERY likely the grandparents in the parking lot who heard me call you a “moron” think so too.

Me: (giggle) Just think of it this way. Maybe one day we'll win an Oscar for our roles as members of “that” family?


If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.(George Bernard Shaw)

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