Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Going to the gym to sweat? Wasn't in my plan!

Yesterday Hubbit and I decided to bite the bullet and get our rear-ends back to the gym. We were going almost every day until six weeks ago when Hubbit hurt his ankle inspecting fire hydrants at work. The doctor made him wear a fancy walking boot and he was restricted from activity, so our gym days came to a halt.

As a result, I’ve gained 10 pounds! You might be wondering why I didn’t just go to the gym by myself, but the truth is I’m frugal. I’m an add-on for Hubbit’s membership at the gym and I can only go if he’s with me. Hey, it saves me $30 a month and we usually go together anyway.

I thought we’d start with a little stationary bike and finish with some hard core (yeah, right) strength training. You know, non-jumping-stuff easy on Hubbit’s ankle that’s almost healed, but still not 100%. After all, he’s not been able to test it to see how much it can endure and there’s no way he wants to go back on Light Duty at the firehouse (Apparently, answering phones is no way for a firefighting adrenaline junkie to spend his 24 hour shifts).

But, Hubbit had a different idea. He decided we needed to try one of the classes offered at our gym. I was a little hesitant, because to me the idea of taking a class with people more fit than me is…well…less appealing than accidentally poking myself in the eye with my mascara brush.

But, I went online, read the info blurb about the class and after a great deal of guilt-tripping by Hubbit, I agreed to be thrown to the lions. The blurb did say it was perfect for all fitness levels and was a “member favorite”, so I figured it wouldn't be too bad.

I prepared myself by eating a big breakfast, showering and applying makeup. Hubbit shook his head, asking why on Earth I was showering and using makeup before going to the gym. I “shooshed” him and told him if I was going to die at the gym, I wanted to be sure I at least looked good doing it. I also told him I wasn’t planning on sweating, so showering wouldn’t be a lost cause.

When we arrived we were instructed to put together our step equipment and grab “heavy weights”. I looked at Hubbit like he was insane when I saw the step equipment. Did he not remember he was supposed to be taking it easy on his ankle and was still not supposed to step up or down quickly? But, Hubbit has this problem of thinking he’s Superman so he brushed it off and pretty much told me to put my big girl undies on. I set up my step at the easiest level I could (I'm lazy. ) but I did grab the heaviest weights they had, which were 12 pounds each so I wouldn't look like a total slacker. (Side note: About 10 minutes in, I had to switch out my weights to 5 pounds. What was I thinking?!)


For the following 60 minutes, I visited HELL. Oddly enough, the soundtrack of Hell was corny 90s music (on full blast) and the ride there and back was narrated by a blond fitness queen who screamed at us through her tiny headset microphone to “do something…ANYTHING…with our arms” as if simply trying to not fall of the step each time we jumped up and down wasn’t enough. (FYI: I did sweat. A LOT. It was gross and I don’t plan on doing much of it again anytime soon. And, that big breakfast was NOT a great idea either. Ugh.)

*Side note: People fail to understand that just because you’re not overweight does not mean you are fit. There is a huge difference! I might be within normal weight ranges but I am NOT fit. My body is not hard…it’s squishy. I am a weakling with absolutely NO endurance. It’s sad, but true. Even the 80 year old woman standing in the back of the class BROUGHT IT more than I could and I was trying!

My final conclusion about the class:

The website lied.

Perfect for all fitness levels? Hmph! It was not perfect for me or Hubbit but the uber-fit female body builder in the 2nd row did seem to ALMOST keep up.

A member favorite? Shyeah! I didn’t see anyone in that class enjoying themselves and I’d bet if I’d conducted an exit poll there would be very few who agreed it was a “favorite” in any way.

But, it was pretty fun to watch Hubbit’s size 15 feet try to maneuver to the rhythm of MC Hammer’s “You Can’t Touch This”. That alone may have made the entire thing worth it.


My gym routine lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes. 15 minutes cardio. 15 minutes weights. 60 minutes talking myself into beginning. (Unknown Author)

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