Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Holidays Are Over...Thank The Lord Above

Since school has been out for the past few weeks, I’ve been staying in the house more than usual. It’s great for my state of mind but pretty boring when it comes to gathering blog material.

So, with absolutely nothing to blog about I am just going to recap my holiday experience, just in case I ever have enough time to go back and actually recollect.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day was pretty fantastic for my little family. The kids were pleased with their gifts and no one cried because they’d gotten underwear. In fact, no one in my house ever gets “unders” for Christmas, thanks to Flea’s “Underwear Christmas Meltdown of 2005”. Yep, that was the year the very first present he opened was some really cool Batman underwear I’d forgotten we’d even bought. He was all hyped up for presents and when he opened the “unders” he started sobbing and screaming, “This is the worst Christmas ever”. It took us almost an hour to calm him down and convince him the remaining presents would more than make up for the first gift failure. Never again. NEVER.

We spent the morning at our house with a visit from Gigi and Pappy (who bought us some awesome presents we are completely enjoying) and then headed over to my grandparents for Linner (after lunch, before dinner).

There was no dumping of plates on heads (Thanksgiving blog)…just a few friendly games of Uno Attack (the greatest game EVER) where my Auntie reigned as Uno Queen. She swore she never wins anything but we found it hard to believe as she totally stomped our tails game after game. It was kind of interesting that she was the one who’d given the game to Flea and my grandmother also knew how to play really well. Since they live together, it makes me wonder if they’re running an underground Uno Attack operation over there. Hmmm…

The most notable thing about the holiday was we completely skipped our family tradition of eating Sir Pizza on Christmas Eve and Golden Wok on Christmas Night this year. In fact, the kids still haven’t even noticed the big skip-out. Maybe we’re starting to turn into a normal family, after all (I’m CAUTIOUSLY optimistic).

The Day After Christmas

Since my family has had a very accident prone year, it only makes sense we’d spend at least part of our Christmas holiday with our “friends” at the UK Emergency Room. While it’s usually Flea who leads us there (boys will be boys), this time it was (reluctantly) Hubbit. Bless his heart!

On the day after Christmas, we were all ready to walk out the door to head to the mall (to brave Return City) when I asked him to take out a few lightweight trash bags. Keep in mind, this is a man who lifts people for a living. Full grown (and sometimes WAY overgrown) people…out of buildings, out of cars, out of houses…you get the point.

However, when he bent down to lift these two trash bags, he tweaked his back. (FYI: Lift with your knees!) Immediately he went down in total pain. After trying to fool me by “walking it off”, I decided the trip to the ER was necessary. I mean, if you can’t stand without looking like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, it’s not really “walked off”, is it?

The good news is he’ll be fine in a few days and the even better news is they loaded him up on pain medications and muscle relaxers. I tell ya, I just don’t understand how people have problem getting pain meds when they need them. I’m constantly hearing people complain about their docs never wanting to prescribe pain medication but I sware people throw pain meds at Hubbit, without him even asking.

Have you ever heard of a dentist giving Percocet to someone who has only had a filling? Hubbit’s dentist does!

Thank God he’s not a junkie. Geez.

Side note: Hubbit’s a man who gets what he wants…always. It’s aggravating to people like myself who have to throw hissy fits to get even a portion. It’s the strangest thing. He doesn’t see it this way so every now and then I have to prove to him that people respond to him more than they do to me. To do this, I’ll walk beside him in a busy store and happily say “Hi” to people as they walk by. About 95% of the time, they don’t respond back to me (RUDE). Then I force Hubbit to do the same and 100% of the time, they respond nicely back to him (UGH). In fact, we’ve even greeted the SAME person before and they’ll blow me off but respond to him (DOUBLE UGH). What can I say? I married a very charismatic person who people are drawn to. The benefit is he sometimes does use this gift to also get me things I want in life, since apparently I’m invisible to many people. I’ll give him credit…he’s nice like that.

Anyhow, this light-weight ER doctor said due to Hubbit’s not-tiny-stature he was sure he’d need some pretty heavy duty pills. So, Hubbit was okayed to take 2 Percocets, 1 Lortab and 1 Muscle Relaxer every FOUR HOURS.

I’d argue they use less to tranquilize farm animals, but I’m certainly not a doctor. Thankfully, Hubbit is off work this week because I’m pretty sure it would be a total violation of Fire Department rules (and ethical code) for him to show up completely stoned, even if it was “Doctor Okayed”. Just saying…


I like a man who's good, but not too good - for the good die young, and I hate a dead one. (Mae West)

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