Friday, December 24, 2010

My Non-Legitimate-Bi-Polar-Christmas-Eve-Of-Twenty-Ten

Christmas Eve Twenty-Ten…Can Somebody Say BiPolar?

I should tell you, I’m not legitimately bi-polar but I think today I might have been channeling someone who is because this day has been ridiculously full of rapid mood swings. Unfortunately, the mania spells I’ve heard do come with being bi-polar did not channel properly and as a result, I still have five loads of laundry waiting for me upstairs.

You know, my house might actually be a lot neater if I could channel some of those manic spells. In fact, I “hear” mania episodes can give you the energy to paint an entire floor of a house in less than 3 hours. Not that I know anyone who has been there/done that or anything. (giggle)

Anyhow, here is my humble attempt to explain my Non-Legitimate-Bi-Polar-Christmas-Eve-Of-Twenty-Ten!

Feeling Good

I woke up feeling merry and holiday-spirited. All was good!

Feeling Vicious

Flea did not like the clothes I’d laid out for him today, threw a total fit about them, but refused to find his own clothing. This made me more than a little agitated and I retracted one of this Christmas presents that he hasn’t even gotten yet, which is my go-to punishment during the holiday season. There’s nothing better than wrapping big presents, teasing the kids with them being under the tree for a week or two and then retracting them when they misbehave.

Our exchanges usually go a bit like this:

Misbehaving Child: I am not going to (fill in this blank with any bad behavior you prefer).
Me: Fine. You've just lost yourself 1 Christmas present.
Misbehaving Child: Who cares?! I have tons under the tree.
Me: You'll care when you figure out it's the biggest and BEST one you've lost.

Bahahaha…THE POWER…Bahahahaha! Don’t freak out! I always end up letting them “earn” them back by behaving nicely.

Feeling Good Again

My Christmas Eve got back on track as we spent the morning with some really great people for their annual Christmas Eve Brunch gathering. It was fun and I look forward to it in coming years! On our way home from the brunch, I stopped by the grocery store to quickly pick up some frozen sausage balls Hubbit was craving. While there, I scored some amazing deals on holiday cookies that were marked off 75%. Woohoo! Nothing like a great deal to make this frugal Momma happy!

Feeling VICIOUS Once More

FYI: Our Internet has been “broken” for three days and I’ve been arguing with Windstream (our provider) for days about whether it’s on their end or our end. I always hate when people say the Internet is "broken" but daggonit, mine is BROKEN.

We stayed home all day yesterday waiting for a repair man who never showed up (even though he claimed he called and knocked on our door). Was he at the wrong house or was he too lazy to finish his service calls during this holiday week? To pacify us, Windstream promised to send another repair man to our house this morning.

Anyhow, when we got home from the grocery we realized our Internet was STILL not working. Ugh. After Jimmy called and the Windstream Rep told him a service person had been here and there was no problem on their end, I got ticked. After all, in my mind I was still questioning whether they were honestly here this time and the simple fact was, IF THEY WERE…our Internet service was still not working.

So, what did I do? Well, I might or might not have called and cursed out an innocent Windstream Customer Service Representative…on Christmas Eve. Upon her kindly telling me there was nothing she personally could do for me at this time, I might or might not have told her I would like to be transferred to “someone with a brain” and I, without a doubt (no might or might not needed here), got hung up on immediately thereafter.

Feeling Good…For Good

I know there are lots of people who say they have no idea where they’d be without God in their life but I know exactly where I’d be today…harassing some poor Windstream Customer Service Rep on Christmas Eve. As I was being hung up on I realized I had only three minutes to get to church (which thankfully is less than 2 miles from my house) for the Christmas Eve service. So, I refrained from calling back and attempting to get the same Windstream Rep, only to give her an even bigger piece of my Non-Legitimate-Bi-Polar-Mind.

I’m not sure if the real blessing of the church service preventing me to call back was to her (for not having to listen to my crazy ranting a second time) or to me (for actually getting my mind focused on what is TRULY important in life).

Thank God for our non-basement tonight since I’m not so sure it’s a good idea to harass a Customer Service Rep who has access to not only your phone number, but also your address. I'm sure I would be wasting hours, staring at our non-basement door, stressing at the thought of a revengeful Customer Service Rep lurking down below, ready to make me her Christmas Day lunch!


Church did me loads of good, like it always does and strangely enough, it also cured my Non-Legitimate-Case-Of-Bi-Polaredness. Well, church and the fact that when we got home, my Dad (who just happens to be a computer genius) taught me a trick to get online until the Internet gets “fixed”! :)


No self-respecting mother would run out of intimidations on the eve of a major holiday. (Erma Bombeck)

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