Monday, November 22, 2010

Can someone PLEASE tell me how to slow life down a little?

When I was younger, I would dream about the days when I would grow to be an extremely busy lawyer who had to squeeze lunch dates with pals and family outings into my schedule.

Today, I figured it out. I made it…halfway.

No, I didn’t go to law school (thank the Lord above) but somehow I did manage to get so busy “living” that when I tried to schedule a visit with my Louisville-based-best-girlfriend today, I figured out I wouldn’t be available for 4 weeks. FOUR weeks.

Good Lord. I don't even have a full time job!

But, in the next four weeks I’ll be cooking about 70 meals, packing 16 lunches, washing 35 loads of clothes, folding 336 pieces of clothing, matching 224 socks (or more likely throwing 224 socks into a big laundry basket to fish out as needed), writing approximately 300 articles, feeding the dogs 56 times, loading the dishwasher 28 times and working out 15 times (ok, 10 times. OK, probably 6).

I will spend 420 minutes showering, 280 minutes drying my longer-than-it-should-be-hair, 112 minutes brushing my teeth and will be trying my best to get at least 224 hours of sleep.

What am I doing for the next four weeks that prohibits me from visiting the closest person I’ll ever have to a sister?

I’m “living”, that’s what.


"A bee is never as busy as it seems; it's just that it can't buzz any slower." (Kin Hubbard)

1 comment:

  1. Funny how all that living gets in the way, isn't it? But then, when I have a weekend of "nothing", I go a little crazy.
