Monday, November 15, 2010

Hey World. It's Me! :)

If we could only see in black and white, I would venture to say there are two types of online posters. The first type is the voyeur who is addicted to social networking just the same as their polar opposite but rarely (if ever) shares.

Then, there is the overshare-er. (Did I just make up that word? Maybe.)

I fit into the second group, in a MAJOR way. So, it should only seem natural I’d feel inclined to start a blog. I mean, it’s cheaper than sitting at my therapist’s office every time I want to throw my thoughts around the world. (YES, I do see a therapist and YES, you probably need to see one too. If you want her name, just ask. She ROCKS.)

I’m not a very open person…in person. I rarely trust someone enough to share with them more than the basics, let alone allow them to see inside my thoughts and feelings. But, it seems I am the type of person who could easily be seen as someone without an online filter.

Why do I find it incredibly difficult to disclose something as minor as my favorite color to a new friend in person but have NO problem whatsoever telling the entire world via Facebook what I’m having for dinner? Interesting phenomenon many of us can relate easily to.

So, for this first blog post I’m just really laying down the basics of my intent.

Most likely this will be a place I post random things that evoke emotion in me. They might make me happy, might inspire me, might make me sad or make me angry.

I can’t promise to…

* Never offend anyone.
* Never over-share.
* Never be judgmental. (Look, I try my best but I’m a sinner like you and everyone else, so don’t hate me…immediately.)

What I can promise is…

* I’ll try (keyword TRY) to think things through before I randomly post soapbox rants.
* I’ll try not to embarrass my family. (This mostly pertains to Brantley.)

Most importantly, what I absolutely CAN promise is…

I’ll post in an honest voice despite how it might change anyone’s perception of who I am.


“Shake structures. School yourself. Look twice at a thing, once upside down. Answer yourself clearly.” (Mary Anne Radmacher)


  1. LOVE it! Way to put yourself out there. And the title is FABULOUS! One of my students, whose name is Maybe, has one called MaybeSo. :) Can't wait to read more!

  2. that's my sweet daughter!!! I love WHO you are and what you have become!!! Go sugar!!! I'm looking forward to much much more "free press" writings!! :)
