Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Save Turkeys, Eat Stuffed Peppers

FYI: I’m allergic to life and about 100 different foods. I’ve always eaten turkey but last years allergy test update revealed I’m now allergic to it too. Ugh. Pretty soon I’ll be living off sugar and water alone, apparently.

So, instead of turkey, dressing and all the yummy traditional stuff, this year I will be eating…drum roll please…stuffed peppers. Yum. Yum. (Did that sarcasm come across clearly?)

While your house will smell like a traditional Thanksgiving feast, mine will smell a little like Mi Mexico.

Anyhow, I had to share this little bit of funny before I forgot it. Today Hubbit, Bug and I ran to the grocery store to pick up a few things before the crowd starting showing up to buy last minute Thanksgiving supplies like the world is going to end tomorrow and Stove Top is the only thing that could save them.

The trip was pretty uneventful, really. But, there was one moment that still makes me giggle a few hours later so I thought it would be worthy of sharing. Since I don’t really cook for the big old “Turkey Day” holiday we were just picking up “regular food” (you know, non-turkey, non-stuffing, non-gravy, non-pumpkin items). Hubbit noticed a lovely pork loin and thought it would be tasty for dinner sometime soon (AKA, when the last of the leftover turkey we hijack from my grandmother’s house has been eaten next week). I agreed and we started to discuss how to cook a pork loin.

Now, I am not the most fantastic cook AT ALL. I can "bake but not cook" and those of you who can "bake but not cook" know exactly what I mean. Give me a scientific recipe to follow and I’ll make you the prettiest yellow cake with chocolate icing treat you’ve ever seen. Hand me a pork loin and all you’ll get is a confused look and possibly an under or over-cooked piece of pig later on in the evening.

Hi, my name is Whitney and I am a terrible cook. I am the first to admit it.

We stood there talking about cooking the pork loin for a while, which basically involved me telling Hubbit I had no idea how to cook it and him telling me it was no problem. He informed me we needed some type of bag to marinade and cook it in. I was just glad he "knew" what he was talking about and figured I might be able to pawn the pork loin dinner preparation off on him one night this week.

As we headed down another aisle, I asked him what type of bag we’d need to be on the lookout for and he said…wait for it…a GARBAGE bag.


We then got into a little tiff about how I was 100% sure garbage bags would most certainly melt in the oven and how he said he was sure that’s what they used at the station for cooking pork loin. Somewhere in the act of trying to prove me wrong, he actually somehow convinced himself PLASTIC garbage bags would not melt in the oven.

What?! Oh My Land.

(Side note: In his defense, three points should be noted. 1) It is pretty fun to argue with me and sometimes he makes things up just to get me riled up. 2) He has worked the last 48 of 72 hours and was completely sleep deprived. 3) Me sharing this story is payback for the rotten blonde joke he told in the checkout lane...that I am apparently so blonde I can't even remember. I love you, honey!)

The good news is as we’re in the middle of the most ridiculous argument of ALL TIME, I glanced to my right and see non-plastic, melt-free Oven Cooking Bags lit up like there was a light shining from heaven upon them (ok, maybe the light was just my imagination, but still…you get the point).

Divine intervention? I think SO!

Anyhow…Happy Thanksgiving!


“I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” -Rita Rudner

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