Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Poor us.


Before I start, one of the loveliest lovelies in the world gave me a little scare the other day regarding using my family’s names on my blog. So, from here on out I will be much less specific. Thank you crazy stalkers of the world!


A little over eight months ago I was 29. I was challenging 30 to “bring it on” and vowed I could care less about wrinkles, saddle bags and all that came with being old…er.

THEN, out of no where the other day, Bug asked if he could take a picture using my camera phone. I obliged and he began to position himself behind my head. Curious, I asked what he was doing. He proceeded to tell me he wanted to take a picture of my GRAY HAIR for me. Thank you, Bug. Lord help the girl you marry because your brutal honesty is something else!

He was positively sure I’d not seen it. After all, it was in the back of my head where as far as I'm concerned IT CAN STAY.

Feeling a little down on myself, yesterday I get a text from Lulu (Remember: names are now being changed so that psycho killer I talked about hiding in the basement-I- don’t-have won’t stalk and kill me).

Side thought: I wonder if she’ll kill me for posting this because the other day she did refrain from sending me a picture of her coaching 7 year old cheerleaders because she was afraid I’d “post it on Facebook or something”. I really do want to see her as a cheerleading coach because knowing her well, it's just so darn funny. She's lucky she lives 1.5 hours away! (giggle)

I swore I would never do something like that, but she does know me quite well. Maybe she’s on to something! ;)

The text-versation went a little something like this:

Lulu: At the salon. Losing the gray hair battle.
Me: Ugh. Bug took a pic of my gray hair the other day. Lovely.
Lulu: Not ready for this aging thing.
Me: At least the hair dye will fix the gray. The wrinkles are killing me. Even my hands are veiny (Another made up word? That's how I roll.) and old.
Lulu: Freckles are turning into age spots. Used to be “cute”.
Me: Poor us.
Lulu: You know, we sound a lil pathetic. We should be embracing our life “scars”.
Me: Yes, we are pathetic. Thanks for not judging me and whining with me for a few minutes. Let’s allow ourselves to do this a few times a year.
Lulu: Might be needed at least once a day.

So Lulu, while I remember when we dyed our hair for fun and not to hide grays…those days are gone. Poor us. LOL


It's important to have a twinkle in your wrinkle. ~Author Unknown