Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I wanted to post this...BEFORE I BLEW AWAY!

Can somebody tell me why…WHY…I agreed to buy a house without a basement? Sure, on the beautiful Kentucky days of Summer and the freezing cold days of Winter, I could care less if I had a basement or not.

BUT, on days when the winds blowing so hard I sware I can hear the Wicked Witch of the West cackling as she flies by on her bicycle, I need a basement. I repeat, I NEED A BASEMENT.

But when I really think about it…

The truth is, basements kind of freak me out. YES, I'm kind of like a six year old kid. I am still afraid of the dark, still hate storms and am terrified of "ghosts" (but mostly only because Riley is always seeing them or talking to them).

If I did have one, I’d probably spend way to much time glancing at the closed basement door, wondering if some psycho killer had slipped in through the basement window and was waiting to feed me to his creepy spider pets.

Or, maybe I’d obsessively check the basement each time I arrived home (while my heart raced frantically because I would be convinced once again the psycho killer was on the prowl for a petite steak).

I’d probably make Jimmy install some crazy door lock that could only be accessed from the upstairs and then knowing my klutzy luck I’d probably lock myself down there on accident a few times a year. Instead of simply going out the walk-out basement door, I'm sure I'd go into a full panic and sit for hours at the top of the potentially neck-breaking basement stairs, screaming for someone to help me. (If you know me, you can probably visualize me doing just that.)

So, all in all having a basement might not be the safest thing for me…or at least for my mental health.

But, for tonight: I NEED A BASEMENT!


“That's the scary part. I didn't know if I should smile, crack up, scream or run.” (Wizard of Oz)

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